Representative Algorithms

From Algorithm Wiki
Revision as of 12:00, 10 October 2022 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is a list of representative algorithms - one algorithm from each family that has gained significant traction and is widely accepted as the common solution to the problem. Please note that the ones listed here might not always be the optimal algorithms. == Algorithms == Bubble Sort Radix Sort Hoare's Selection Algorithm Godbole's DP Algorithm Wagner-Fischer Algorithm Edmonds-Karp Algorithm Strassen's Algorithm Lawler's Graph Colo...")
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This is a list of representative algorithms - one algorithm from each family that has gained significant traction and is widely accepted as the common solution to the problem. Please note that the ones listed here might not always be the optimal algorithms.


Bubble Sort

Radix Sort

Hoare's Selection Algorithm

Godbole's DP Algorithm

Wagner-Fischer Algorithm

Edmonds-Karp Algorithm

Strassen's Algorithm

Lawler's Graph Coloring Algorithm

Gaussian Elimination

Khachiyan Ellipsoid Algorithm

Bentley-Ottmann Algorithm

Jarvis Scan

Tarjan's SSC Algorithm

Kruskal's Algorithm

Fortune-Hopcroft Algorithm

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

Wheel Factorization

Quadratic Sieve

Doolittle Algorithm

A* Algorithm

Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm

Needleman–Wunsch algorithm

Nested Loop Join

Cohen–Sutherland Algorithm

Rabin–Scott Powerset Construction

Karatsuba Algorithm

Hopcroft–Karp algorithm

Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)

Dekker's Algorithm

Vaidya's Algorithm

Floyd's Cycle-Finding Algorithm

Fisher–Yates Shuffle

Faugère F4 Algorithm

SMAWK Algorithm

Knuth's DP Algorithm

Lemke–Howson Algorithm

Hungarian Algorithm

Hierholzer's Algorithm

Bruun's FFT Algorithm

Bresenham's Line Algorithm

Vatti Clipping Algorithm

Ramer–Douglas–Peucker Algorithm

k-d Tree

Todd–Coxeter algorithm

LogLog Algorithm

Chatlin's Algorithm

Linde–Buzo–Gray Algorithm

Two-pass Algorithm

Kahn's Algorithm

Hopcroft's DFA Algorithm

Tarjan's LCA Algorithm

Bron–Kerbosch Algorithm

Held–Karp Algorithm

ADI Iteration

Bowyer–Watson Algorithm

de Bruijn Graph