Second Shortest Simple Path (Shortest Path (Directed Graphs))

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Revision as of 11:19, 15 February 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Second Shortest Simple Path (Shortest Path (Directed Graphs))}} == Description == Given a weighted digraph $G=(V,E)$, find the second shortest path between two given vertices $s$ and $t$. == Related Problems == Generalizations: st-Shortest Path Related: General Weights, Nonnegative Weights, Nonnegative Integer Weights, 1-sensitive (3/2)-approximate ss-shortest paths, 2-sensitive (7/5)-approximate st-shortest paths, 1-sensiti...")
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Given a weighted digraph $G=(V,E)$, find the second shortest path between two given vertices $s$ and $t$.

Related Problems

Generalizations: st-Shortest Path

Related: General Weights, Nonnegative Weights, Nonnegative Integer Weights, 1-sensitive (3/2)-approximate ss-shortest paths, 2-sensitive (7/5)-approximate st-shortest paths, 1-sensitive decremental st-shortest paths, 2-sensitive decremental st-shortest paths, Replacement Paths Problem


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Table of Algorithms

Currently no algorithms in our database for the given problem.

Reductions FROM Problem

Problem Implication Year Citation Reduction
Minimum Triangle if: to-time: $T(n,W)$ where there are $n$ nodes and integer weights in $({0}, W)$
then: from-time: $T(O(n), O(nW))$ for $n$ node graph with integer weights in $(-W, W)$
2018, Theorem 5.5 link
Distance Product if: to-time: $T(n,W)$ where there are $n$ nodes and integer weights in $({0}, W)$
then: from-time: $O(n^{2} T(O(n^{1/3}), O(nW)) \log W)$ for two $n\times n$ matrices with weights in $(-W, W)$
2018, Theorem 5.5 link
Directed, Weighted APSP if: to-time: $T(n,W)$ where there are $n$ nodes and integer weights in $({0}, W)$
then: from-time: $O(n^{2} T(O(n^{1/3}), O(n^{2}W)) \log Wn)$ for graphs with weights in $(-W, W)$
2018, Theorem 5.5 link