Comparison Sorting (Sorting)

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A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order, using comparisons between elements.

Related Problems

Generalizations: Sorting

Related: Non-Comparison Sorting


$n$: size of list

Table of Algorithms

Name Year Time Space Approximation Factor Model Reference
Naive sorting 1940 $O(n^{2})$ $O({1})$ (in-situ) Exact Deterministic
Selection Sort 1962 $O(n^{2})$ $O({1})$ (in-situ) Exact Deterministic
Merge Sort 1945 $O(n \log n)$ $O(n)$ Exact Deterministic
Bubble Sort 1956 $O(n^{2})$ $O({1})$ (in-situ) Exact Deterministic
Intro Sort 1997 $O(n \log n)$ $O(logn)$ Exact Deterministic Time
Heap Sort 1964 $O(n \log n)$ $O({1})$ (in-situ) Exact Deterministic Time
Counting Sort 1954 $O(n+k)$ $O(n+k)$ Exact Deterministic Time
Bucket Sort 1940 $O( n² )$ $O(n)$ Exact Deterministic
Radix Sort 1940 $O(wn)$ $O(w+n)$ Exact Deterministic
Tree sort 1986 $O(n \log n)$ $O(n)$ Exact Deterministic Time
Quick Sort 1961 $O(n^{2})$ $O(\log n)$ Exact Deterministic Time & Space
Tim Sort 2002 $O(n logn)$ $O(n)$ Exact Deterministic
Cube Sort Parallel Implementation 1992 $O(n logn)$ $O(n)$ Exact Parallel Time
Shell Sort (Shell) 1959 $O(n^{2})$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic Time
Shell Sort (Frank & Lazarus) 1960 $O(n^{1.5})$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic Time
Shell Sort (Pratt) 1971 $O(n \log^{2} n)$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic Time
Shell Sort (Sedgewick) 1986 $O(n^{1.{3}3})$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic Time
Bitonic Merge Sort Parallel Implementation 1968 $O(\log^{2} n)$ $O({1})$ Exact Parallel Time
Thorup's Sorting Algorithm 2002 $O(n \log \log n)$ $O(n)$ Exact Deterministic Time & Space
Naive sorting 1940 $O(n^{2})$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic
Flash Sort 1998 $O(n^{2})$ $O(n)$ Exact Deterministic Time & Space
Bead Sort 2002 $O(n)$ $O(n^{2})$ Exact Deterministic Time
Burst Sort 2004 $O(wn)$ $O(wn)$ Exact Deterministic Time
Spreadsort 2002 $O(n \log n)$ $O(n)$? Exact Deterministic Time
Odd Even Sort Parallel Implementation 1972 $O(n^{2})$ $O({1})$ Exact Parallel Time
Spaghetti Sort Parallel Implementation 1984 $O(n)$ $O({1})$ auxiliary? per processor? Exact Parallel Time

Time Complexity Graph

Sorting - Comparison Sorting - Time.png